If you are available for and looking for full-time work, then you may be eligible for Jobseeker's Benefit. There might be a period of disallowance if you leave your current job; this is looked at on a case by case basis. Jobseeker's Benefit is paid for a max of 9 months. After that time, you will be assessed for Jobseeker's Allowance, which is means-tested.
If your GP considers you ill and unavailable for work, you may be eligible for illness benefit. You will need a medical cert for each week and may be called to attend a medical referee. Illness benefit is payable for a max of 2 years.
If you don't fall into one of the above categories, you would not be eligible for a SW payment.
Your spouse/partner may qualify for Family Income Supplement, depending on income and the number of children you have.
Maternity Benefit is only paid to women who are in insurable employment or self-employment up to the first day of their maternity leave. If you are not in employment (or self-employment) at that time, then you will not qualify.