Jobseekers Allowance or Benefit


New Member
My wife has a 1 year contract which will end on 31st August. She is currently on paid maternity leave from work since start of April. She had to take her maternity leave early due to severe sickness with pregnancy. Baby was born at start of July. So she is in recipt of Maternity Benefit at present with her employer paying the balance. Come 1st Sept as she is out of contract will she remain on maternity benefit until end of Sept when the 6 months have elapsed. Also at end of Sept baby will be 3 months old and we would not be in a position for her to go back to work, would she then apply for Job seekers allowance or Benefit.
If she is not available for work, then she can't qualify for a Jobseekers payment - one of the qualifying criteria is to be available for and to be seeking work.
If she cannot go back to work due to illness she may qualify illness benefit, or Disability Allowance (if long-term) ? Its mean-tested and also depends on her PRSI Class.
