Jobs in Australia?


Registered User
Thinking of heading to Australia in July for a year.

The plan is to travel for a couple of months and then try and find work.

I have my 1st year working holiday visa.

Does anyone know if there are actaully any jobs to be had over there. I've heard alot of stories that people are coming home as they cannot find work etc.
I work in retail at the moment .

Any one just back from Oz that could maybe give me some advice?

Hey Pink!
im heading over myself next week for the year & i was thinking the same `coz the last few months all ive heard about is how theres no point going over, no jobs - people ringing into radio shows complaining couldnt afford to stay out there!
if you have your heart set on going and really want to stay out there guaranteed youd find a job, if its not in retail youl find bar work to get you through or fruit picking (just follow the seasons around) therel always be work..maybe not the preferrably work but once in a lifetime experiance and i think do it at least uve tried!!!
Hey Mrsc, Have heard similar stories. Hope we are right and will get some kind of job. Should be coming up to xmas when we'll be looking for work so should at least find some kind of job. Won't care as long as it pays the bills!

Thanks SLS too I've had a quick look at some of these sites and there "looks" like there are jobs to be had. Fingers crossed!
im soo excited ..i just went onto them sites aswell, thanks SLS!
all ive to do now is get up and go...same to you!!
I know a fair few people who have arrived there since Christmas.
Seems the ones who can get jobs easily are those looking for IT jobs. It seems to be the only sector to be still in demand. Most other sectors seem to be hit by the recession.
Had a friend of mine come back from oz in the last week has been out of work since december (was an accountant) he said that it was getting harder to get jobs and that because of the restrictive nature of the visa (changing job after 6 months i think) that no one was interested in hiring him. he was based in melbourne. also he said that getting the job first took about a month as things can move rather slowly when your over there, laid back way of life and all that. also dont let my words put you off go and enjoy it. try for work out side of the main centres, even rural work as there seems to be a bit had there. also check out and see their section on oz&nz as people who are there at the moment report back every so often what the story is in relation to the job scene.

good luck and enjoy.

My daughter went in october and has had no problem finding jobs like waitressing bar work and she did get some retail work in a clothes shop for a few weeks around christmas. She has moved from sidney to Carins and now has some bar work. She said it is very diffucult to get a good job she has a bcomm and a masters but said it would be very difficult to get something in that line. Her friend is a civil eng and she did get a job in her line after 4 months of looking and is now working from 7 am to 7 pm 6 days a week and while she is getting good money has no time to see any of the country. So I say if you will do the odd jobs a few weeks here and a few hours else where you will be ok. enjoy she is having a ball !
it can be difficult to get a job coming up to xmas. Seems everyone wants to be in Sydney for xmas so they arrive a few months earlier and plan to coincide xmas with when they are working rather than just travelling.
Make sure you save as much as possible before you go. Remember it's almost 2$ to the €1 now so your savings will give you better value out there. You will need to have enough to tide you over between jobs.

There will always be seasonal employment in fruitpicking. It just means you will have to base your itinerary on where the work is as opposed to what you may have preferred.

Go for it, it'll be a marvellous experience.
Might be better to look for work as soon as you get there.....then have your holiday. We lived in Sydney for many years and on a 3 month visit end of last year could not believe how much things had changed. We had intended to find work and stay for 2 years as we have both lost our jobs industry. With all our contacts we could not get work. We headed home. All that said Oz is a terrific place for any young person to visit and I would highly recommend it. Don't stress too much about work you will find something casual to tide you over. Best of luck.
a young friend of mine is going to sydney soon,he has no car driving skills,is it possible for him to get a learning/provisional lisence and take some lessons?
found this on Road Traffic Authority NSW website. Each state in Australia have their own laws governing the issue of driving licences.

  • From 18 April 2008, all new NSW licence applicants identified as temporary overseas visitors will be subject to the following licensing rules:

    As a temporary overseas visitor, you will only be eligible to apply for a NSW licence once you have been in Australia for a continuous period of at least six months immediately prior to licence application.
Thanks for all your replies, Hopefully have a job lined up for when we get over there...!
Does anyone know what the story is with health insurance for when I'm over there. I have VHI here plus I have VHI multi trip. Will this be enough or is there anything else I should do?
On the VHI multi trip you must make claims within 3 months of the having the medical service. I was in Oz last year and did not read the 'condictions' of multi trip cover so I lost out on claiming my expenses when I came back to Ireland.
multitrip insurance is not for a 1 year working holiday maker, it is for shorter trips, not the policy you want to get
ccraig is correct multitrip will not cover you for the full 12 months. We paid an extra premium above the yearly fee which gave us 180 days cover on the one trip. Also the info I gave you before on making claims should read 60 days not 3 months as I stated. Sorry about that.
Work is short in Austrlia at present, take advantage of the good exchange rate, bring loads of cash and enjoy yorself.