I assume you are getting a package in excess of your statutory redundancy payment, in which case there is "up to" a nine week delay, before you can collect your weekly payment under the Benefit scheme (which runs for nine months).
I know of someone who was recently in this position, made the initial application and explained to their officer that they were going on holiday for three weeks, which did not present a problem and the three weeks was "allowed" as part of the nine week period, prior to commencement of payments.
I personally suspect that as long as you are going to be both available and genuinely trying to find work, from the date you collect your first payment, that they will work with you. Obviously, this assumes that you've qualified for the payment and also, that you do comply with all requirements, during the period that you collect the weekly benefit. From time to time, you will be invited to interview, for a coaching session or a course and youu must attend these, unless you are absent by prior agreement.