job seekers benefit&part-time work

tiger woods

Registered User
Currently on j/s benefit and have been offered a 12 week contract on a max 16-20 hours a week.On my understanding I can work no more than 3 days in any 6 day period and claim for the days that I am not working,and is Sunday not counted,i-e I can work 3 days and Sunday and still claim for the other 3 days.I am not trying to screw the system as I reckon I will be up by about 80 euro by working 20 hours rather than sit at home and having to rely on family to look after my kid for free is the only way it can pay for me to work
Is this a self-employed contract that you can choose you own hours? If so, then this from SW site:

" A self-employed person may be entitled to JB in respect of days of unemployment, where the conditions of entitlement are satisfied.
For example, if a person is engaged under a contract for service to work (on a self-employed basis) for 3 days per week, and is unemployed for the remainder of the week, s/he may qualify for JB in respect of the days of unemployment - provided the qualifying conditions are satisfied."
No welfarite.I signed a contract today for 12 weeks-3days a week by 6hrs a day, working in a major DIY retailer from my understanding I can sign on for the other 3 days and if I work 3 days plus Sunday I can still sign on for 3 days.The money on offer is very low and I reckon I might clear an extra 50-60 euro per week for actually working without counting for my lunch and petrol etc.By working am I extending my time on job seekers benefit as I will not be using my stamps,thanks for all your help on the site so far
Yes, you can sign on for the other three days. And yuors, you will be extending the length of time you can claim JB as youa re claiming three days instead of six from now on. If you are over 6 months signing already (156 days), then the 'stamps' you will be paying in the new job wikll count towrds the 13 needed to requalify for JB again after/if it exhausts.