Job Seekers Benefit - Normal Level of Employment


Registered User
If someone has been working part time (3 days per week) due to the ages of their children, and the youngest child has now turned 18 and left school, is Part Time Job Seekers Benefit available to them if they are now available for full time work? There has been no other changes in their circumstances.

There has not been a change in their working schedule for several months and I see there is a 13 week period immediately preceding the date of their claim that is used to establish Normal Level of Employment. Does there have to be a change in normal level of employment or can the above change in circumstances suffice?
In order to qualify for jobseekers Benefit, a person has to have suffered a substantial loss of employment. As they have not had a loss of employment they don't meet the criteria.

If their employment was to reduce to less than 3 days per week they might qualify.