job seekers and retirement


Registered User
hi all. I'm asking this on behalf of my uncle. he was made redundant recently. he is 62 and currently in receipt of job seekers. he has a modest pension pot. can he still claim jobseekers and begin draw down his pension at the same time. he is worried because his pension alone isn't enough without some sort of social welfare and must obviously wait till 66 for state pension. thanks for any advice
job seekers benefit I think. he's worked his whole life so has all his prsi contributions
Jobseekers benefit is not means tested, so he can start his pension without loosing his Jobseekers payments.

Tell him to continue signing on for class A credits when his Jobseekers payments end, in order to qualify for 65s benefit.
It is vital that he has at least 39 credits in the calender year of his 63rd birthday in order to qualify.
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job seekers benefit I think. he's worked his whole life so has all his prsi contributions
Job Seekers Benefit is payable for a max of 9 months. He can then apply for Job Seekers Allowance, but that is means-tested. So he will need to check whether his income will qualify him for JSA.
Job Seekers Benefit is payable for a max of 9 months. He can then apply for Job Seekers Allowance, but that is means-tested. So he will need to check whether his income will qualify him for JSA.
so if his drawdown of pension is below a certain amount he could still qualify for jsa?
that would be great. would keep him going for the year until state pension
Regarding the Over 65 Benefit Payment, their entitlement will come down to the PRSI contributions history and in particular the contributions in 2021-2023 or 2022-2024 depending on their birth month. The critical thing for now, as @bstop said, is to ensure that they continue to claim credits when JSB ends in the event that JSA is not awarded.
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Jobseekers benefit is not means tested, so he can start his pension without loosing his Jobseekers payments.

Tell him to continue signing on for class A credits when his Jobseekers payments end, in order to qualify for 65s benefit.
It is vital that he has at least 39 credits in the calender year of his 63rd birthday in order to qualify.
Great info thanks