Job seekers allowance - any advice much appreciated


Registered User

Could anyone give me some advice? my situation is kind of unusal..a brief picture

Have been working full time PAYE since 1999
In Nov 2008 I became self employed as my employment finished so I decided to set up on my own.
Since Nov I have made a total of € 1500 in drawings and have survived by my partner and my parents supporting us. They can no longer financially help us.
I am finding it hard, I have no personal savings, no pension nothing and a mortgage of € 1000 a month and the business is not making any money yet. My family cannot continue to support me. I have 3 kids and partner looks after them. My bank account is in overdraft and I am getting returned DD collections from ESB and Credit card companies etc at moment.

I applied for JS Benefit but was told as im now self employed I would be means tested.

My questions are these
1) I have paid my PRSI contributions for nearly 10 years and was told intitally I qualified by this, but as im self employed this is no longer possibly - Is this right? or seem fair considering 4 months of 10 years was only self employed yet im being assesed as if I never made any PRSI subs..what happens to these now?

2) What are the income levels for the means test?

I am desperate and with 3 young children worried for my future.
