Jim Stynes RIP


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Surprised this hasn't been talked about already but was really sorry to hear of the passing of a truly great Irishman. Even forgetting about his sporting achievements, he was simply a magnificent human being. Had the pleasure of meeting him once for 5mins. One of my greatest honours. Australia and Ireland have lost one of their greatest sons. Rest in peace.
I only saw the news this evening, and even though it was coming, it was still a shock as he always seemed to be indestructable. He always came across well and the huge swell of support he received speaks for itself. RIP.
he was 1 of the greatest sportsmen of any sport/era....and a class act off the pitch as well.
On a day like today when there is so much to be ashamed about in this country, the fact that another country is giving a state funeral to Jim ...it shows there are still some good people coming out of this island, however few
The rte news now channel showed his memorial live from Melbourne, a fitting tribute to a great gentleman.