JB - will benefit be cancelled altogether if other work?


Registered User

I was made Redundant yesterday after 5 years in the job. Ive worked continuously since finishing college in 1997. I am entitled to full JB. Anyway as i knew i was going to be made redundant i did a course which may get me some work whilst looking for another job.

My question is this: If i am to pursue work it would mean working for myself. There is no guarantee of getting continuous work out of it and it may be a day here and a day there depending on demand. I know that if i get a day here and there i can let Social know so as to sign off for day etc, but if i want to advertise to do this work i would need a name for business to advertise etc. Do i have to register a business name or can i advertise a name & just get paid to my own name & declare to social so as not to lose all benefits for now until i get a job?

Hope not too confusing! Any help would be appreciated.
I went to Citizens Information but unfortunately the person i spoke didnt seem to have much of an idea. Might try another office.