JB application advice - Job redundant 4 weeks before going travelling for 3 months.




My job is becoming redundant shortly, I will be at home in Ireland for 4 weeks after the date of my redundancy before going travelling for three months and will be looking for work upon my return.

Should I make a application for JB immediately upon my redundancy? If this application is not authorised until after I go travelling abroad four weeks later will I be able to take up the JB for those four weeks while out of the country or upon my return? What are the implications for when I return from travelling and am again seeking work, would it be better not to apply for JB at all until then?

Re: JB application advice - Job redundant 4 weeks before going travelling for 3 month

Hi, Sign on as soon as possible. Inform the social welfare office that you are going to be away (possibly looking for work while away). When you return to Ireland get straight back down to the social welfare office you should receive a hefty first payment as your back money will be included. Enjoy your trip.
Re: JB application advice - Job redundant 4 weeks before going travelling for 3 month

but you won't be able to take up employment during those 4 weeks so you will not actually be available for work
Re: JB application advice - Job redundant 4 weeks before going travelling for 3 month

The qualifying conditions for receipt of JB and JA is that you have to be available for and genuinely seeking work. As you are going travelling for 3 months you wont qualify for payment by not meeting these conditions. Your claim will have to be made on your return from travelling.