JB after MB?


Mrs P

I have just been made redundant and am 4 months pregnant.
I am going to sign on for JSB next month after my notice period. As I need to be working after 24 weeks preg to get Mat Benefit, I can get a temp for a few weeks so I am entitled to this. I will have claimed 4 months JSB prior to this.
Once my Mat Ben is finished can I claim JSB again? Or do I need to work after the Mat Ben to be entitled to it.

Hope this is clear.
Re: Pregnancy and redundancy

I've amended the thread title to distinguish it from other thread of same title.You can claim JB after MB without having worked.
I've just been made redundant at the end of my maternity leave. The day my maternity leave ended I received my P45 and I went straight to my local SW office and have signed on. There is no difficulty in signing on so long as you are available and looking for work.
Great, thanks for the replies. I will be looking for work again after my MB so that shouldn't be a problem.
If I have already claimed it for 4 months before my MB am I only entitled to 8 months of it or does the 12 months start again. (Hopefully I won't need it that long though)
It continues on as the MB will link to the previous JB claim; so 8 months before entitlement exhausts