Java DeCompiler



Can anybody recomend a Java Decompiler (reverse compiler) that works properly, and is preferrably free, or at least not too expensive. I have tried "DJ Java Decompiler" but I am getting slightly different file sizes wnen I decompile and recompile.
Hi, I've used Jad ([broken link removed] before for very small projects and was quite happy with it.
Thanks for that pointer. I have decompiled 9 classes, the 2 smallest of them, when resompiled, were the same as the original classes, but the other 7 were different (using COMP). The application seems to run okay in normal conditions, but I am worried about why the differences exist. Is it usual for this to be the case? I have used the same jdk & ide to build the classes.

I take it you dont have the original classes for the ones you're decompiling so have you tried compiling any of your own classes, then decompiling and seeing if any of those differ with the original so you can see any comparable behaviour?