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Anyone ever come across these.

[broken link removed]

Base in Naas and uk, some nice cars for reasonable money.

If they check out hpi FSH then all should be good.
I'm a little cynical. "Cut out the middleman". Are these people charitable?

Are you connected with them OP? Website doesn't mention any base in Naas.
I emailed to ask where they were and if they trade in.

Called them today. Got through to a guy in UK. Sounded like he was down 'the arches' with Phil and Minty!

Apparently there's some lad in Kildare that acts as a sales manager/receiver for the cars. Don't belive they trade in.

The cars are in the UK and you will not get to see your car of choice until you have a deposit paid and it's probably in some yard in Kildare to pick up. Doesn't sit well with me..... Excellent prices though and some interesting, low mileage machines. Photo's are ****e and you'd be a brave man to buy on that evidence alone.

I didn't get a chance to call the guy in Kildare (not sure I really wanted to!). If anyone else has anything to add, I'd be intertested to hear all the same though.

So they are just buying from auctions in the UK and Japan,why should you go through them when you could do that yourself and get a better deal.
Just after having a look through the stock list. They've got some pretty high stock and seem to be selling it dirt cheap. I'm going to use the line.... "If something sounds to good to be through, then it generally is!"

I've used a crowd called Dreamcars to bring in a BMW M3, excellent service and very helpful.

I've no affiliation with Dream Cars or anything like that.
Just after having a look through the stock list. They've got some pretty high stock and seem to be selling it dirt cheap. I'm going to use the line.... "If something sounds to good to be through, then it generally is!".
I agree too but there are some great bargains to be had in the UK right now.

So what actually happens with them?

You say you like a particular car, pay the deposit, they bring it in and you pay the price? What if you don't like it when you see it? Do you lose the deposit?

I had a good look thro their list aswell and the majority are very high milers