James Bond Vs Jason Bourne!


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Just seen Quantum of Solace and, as much as I think Daniel Craig is an excellent Bond, I reckon in a one-on-one Bourne would kick his you know what! Got a good debate going here last night about which film, and actor, wins. I'm for Bourne...what do others think?
Bond. Craige is the best Bond yet (better than Connery) and has the demeanor and physical presence to go with the character. While matt Damon is a fine actor he just doesn’t have the presence.
I agree that Craig is the best Bond to date. He ofers the visual presence that if you believed in secret agents they would be built like Craig. Plus his stunt scenes are top draw.

On the other hand Bourne would have to be my choice in a one on one simply because he has the close combat thing going on unlike Bond.
Jason Bourne would kick bonds ass. Simple as. the films are 100 times better I mean you exactly whats coming next in Bond.
Bourne every time. Fancy gadgets are no match for cunning and guile (along with the skills!)
Daniel Craig is right for the direction the character of Bond is taking now- cruel, ruthless, mysogynistic. The old Bond loved women and was more suave and sophisticated. I preferred the old Bond.

I think Jason would prevail.
I like Craig's interpretation of Bond & think he suits the darker character of recent offerings very well. (even if he is a short-a** )

I actually think a return to realistic(ish) plots & stunts are long overdue.

But better than Connery, Mr Purple????????

Mish Moneypenny, shurely shome mishtake here?

OT, much as I'm enjoying the latest Bond's, I think the Bourne trilogy was superb & were overall better movies.
Jason would kick the butt of several Bonds', but I reckon Craig would make a decent fight of it.
Jason Bourne would win for sure.

I like Craig as Bond and loved Casino Royale. New movie is a bit too manic for me. Just one chase scene after the next be it boat, car, running, plane, rooftops etc.
A friend has the “action hero credibility test”. It goes like this; if you think you could beat the guy playing the action hero in a fight he lacks credibility. Very childish I know but I’d fancy my chances against Damon ahead of Craig.

When you put it like that i would have to agree. But then again you should never judge a book by it's cover.

Mistake # 1 you would never get to make mistake # 2.
Bond every time. Young Bourne ain't in the ball park imho. Good at up close fighting but for style, gadgets and cars it's Bond all the way.

Still haven't made my mind up about Connery v Craig...leaning towards Craig I have to admit.
Bond every time. Young Bourne ain't in the ball park imho. Good at up close fighting but for style, gadgets and cars it's Bond all the way.

Still haven't made my mind up about Connery v Craig...leaning towards Craig I have to admit.

Well the new bond doesn't do gadgets he is far too busy pouting, Bourne to win hands down.
Bourne every time. Bond may have the looks and the suaveness (sp?) but Bourne has the gazillion languages, the hardness, the back-story, and the all-round animal fighting instincts.
Having read the Bourne trilogy and most of the Bond books, Bourne every time.

Though if they were to make a bond and a bourne film it would be the bestest. Id buy that for a dollar.
The Terminator would beat up the two of them together and their friends