Jackie Skelly Gyms / energie


Registered User
Does anyone know if the take over of /jackie Skelly Gyms by energie is "real" or just a rebranding exercise?

A number of years ago I made the mistake of joining a JSG, there are many threads here about the problems with them and do not want to go back down that road again, I am however looking to join a gym and there is one right next door to my new job, which would be ideal, but only if there is a new management team and ethos.

I found this on the JS website http://www.jackieskellyfitness.com/d/energie- member-notification.pdf

Any members of JS know anything about the new owners and the changes if any to the gyms or anyone have any experience of energie?

Well there are new directors listed on their headed paper. They are still in the changeover period but I know someone who works there, and she says there is new UK management. I'm also a member and there is substantial renovation happening, though the new machines have yet to arrive.
Hi Purpeller, thanks for that, someone has deleted the previous posts including my own, someone mentioned an open weekend have you seen anything about that at the gym? I am interested in the Swords branch, may I ask where you are a member?