Jack o Connors qualifications


Registered User
Does anyone know what qualifactions/degrees/diplomas/adult education/certs/courses etc, that JOC holds?

Im really curious about this as I have heard that he said in an interview that he left school at 15.

There would of course would be two ways of looking at this..

One : He is a very bright ,intelligent person whom didnt need to attend school or uni,and is a natural born leader,whose experience throughout the years is/was enough of an education for him to do what he does and like many people his age ,left school at a very young age and went on to be very succesfull..OR

Two; He left school at 15 and didnt bother to further his education,who had at the very least as an adult an opportuinity to do so but didnt or wouldnt.Which in itself is not the brightest idea..

If its case one; I will be relieved.

If its case two; How come someone with no education/qualifactions etc gets to sit with a government elected by the people to govern and make decisions on our behalf when no one gave him a mandate to do so?Who couldnt be bothered to educate himself and who is talking strike action at every hands turn .
He has been a full time branch secretary since 1980.So he hasnt even had a proper job for 29 years!! Ah no ,I must be wrong,that couldnt be right...

If it is true,is it any wonder that he " leads" the way he does.

It goes without saying that there are many educated people in government who are making a mess of things without his help,but at least they were elected to do so.
Ill await the onslaught...
Thoughts anyone??
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Qualifications are irrelevant in a democracy.
Just how qualified are the elected members of government?

Brian Lenihan is a barrister and an ex-lecturer, yet his is minister for finance! - I would rather someone with a business, maths, finance or accounting background to much such important decisions.

No wonder the country is banjaxed.
Oh I think they are!! Would you like to be in an plane in a democracy if the pilot had no qualifactions?
As far as I am aware most of the goverment hold qualifactions (fat lot of good its doing us though )!!
Its really not his alleged lack of education,rather what that says about the man,that couldnt be bothered ..
He didnt do himself any favours tonight when Pat Kenny asked him what he considered a " Trophy home",his answer was ,your house Pat!
Now thats something you would hear in a street brawl after a lot of drink!
With the money he is on he could well afford what he considers a " Trophy home".

Usually you see personal attacks like the above in situations where there is a lack of education and someone cannot come up with something better than a snide remark.
Oh I think they are!! Would you like to be in an plane in a democracy if the pilot had no qualifactions?
A plane is a dictatorship. None of the flights I've been on has the pilot been voted in.

As far as I am aware most of the goverment hold qualifactions (fat lot of good its doing us though )!!
Its really not his alleged lack of education,rather what that says about the man,that couldnt be bothered ..
Yes, they (probably) hold qualifications, but in fields irrelevant to their positions.

And what qualifactions would you rather someone in JOCs postion have?

Is that better than zero qualifactions?
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I have never had any time for unions but it was the only answer that O Connor gave last night that was worth hearing. Kenny left himself open for it and despite the inch of make up on him he couldn't hide the fact that he was seething - I thought it was hilarious. Kenny let himself down badly by saying he didn't have to take such crap, or words to that effect, instead of rubbishing O Connor's point about property tax in an intelligent way which is not difficult. O Connor was his usual clueless, deadpan boring self whose theories about Economics would qualify them for the Beano comic but Kenny lacked professionalism and impartiality last night imo.
Well let's see , Jack O'Connor left school at 15 and despite or maybe because of that after a long period of Trade Union activism rose to become General President of SIPTU in 2003 - so yes it looks very much that it very much fits in neatly to the first scenario outlined by you - you must be very relieved !
Your comment that Mr. O'Connor has'nt had a real job for 29 years reveals your bias and suggests that you had made up your mind prior to posting your question - bit of a waste of time then surely !
May I further suggest that the comment regarding Mr. O'Connor not having worked for 29 years was extremely " snide " unlike Mr. O'Connor's comment about Pat Kenny's house which I thought was amusing !
i thought the comment about Pat kenny was terrible (it may be right but ina rational discussion...) and shows O'Connor up for what he is....limited,militant,condescending. How the union elected him at a time when they need as much good PR as possible is beyond me. His delivery style is deadpan and boring, he speaks over people and continues to speak over the interviewer with the most benal crap while everyone else has moved on to the next question.
David Begg may not be anyones favourite either but at least he's articulate and trys to be courteous and respectful in interviews/discussions. O'Connor is winning the union no friends at all and probably turning even more people in the real world against them

Actually I quiet enjoyed someone like Pat Kenny who earns a 7 figure salary from the taxpayer and then uses squatters rights law to claim land off a neighbour and who stands there pretending he represents the common man been put back in his box. O' Connor like most union leaders are devoid of any genuine workable ideas. Their excuse that they don't have access to figures to see what a 54% tax rate will bring in is laughable. They could ask one of their Labour Party Commrades to ask a parlimentary question to get the info before spouting the idea in public and suggesting that there is an easy way out of this crisis.
i thought the comment about Pat kenny was terrible and shows O'Connor up for what he is....limited,militant,condescending.

Absolutely. I was shocked that somone in a position of such influence would attempt to intimidate an interviewer live on air.

Pat certainly put him in his box.
Occasionally, even someone on the ropes gets a last second chance for a cheap shot. It was a cheap shot, but to be honest I still thought it was funny. I know it's supposed to be a serious debate about "the issues" but c'mon Kenny left himself wide open for that one.

I wouldn't be outraged or incensed by it, you just say touché and carry on. Kenny's experienced and he should have been able to get over it.

It's a bit like Dunphy crying on the Late Late at the plight of his bretheren losing their homes. Nice to feel such apathy from a comfortable position. No harm in reminding Kenny occasionally that he does have a certain level of comfort.

Anyway, O'Connor's qualifications aren't an issue. He doesn't come up with the policies or plans or anything else, he's just the public face for them. Just like Ministers don't always have the requisite qualifications for their portfolio, they have team behind them who do and it's these people who would advise O'Connor.
Anyone know what O'Connor's house is like? I hope for his sake it's a 2 up 2 down in the Liberties or something.

Surely to jaysus even he wouldn't be so stupid as to make a comment like that if he had a 'fancy' house himself too.

Jack O'Connor spoke in "Riddles" last night, I thought at one time he was auditioning for a new Batman Movie, This post will be deleted if not edited immediately wept The Riddler ! His snide remark about Trophy homes really showed his true colours.

However what he forgets is that many, many thousands of ordinary working people have bought holiday homes, having worked hard all their lives, paid the high taxes in the Eighties, paid the high stamp duty, had their mortgages paid on their Principal Residence, had the audacity to buy a second home, on their hard earned taxable incomes ! The cheek of him, he speaks in double language, who exactly is he pupporting to represent ? I actually know of people who never ever contributed to this country in any form or shape, a first cousin of mine is a prime example, Never had a job of any description, puts his hand out every Wed to collect the dole, he's about 58 years old now, has a bleedin opinion on everything, a complete know all, a socialist, backs unions all the way........... a complete Tosser.

Sorry for the Rant but ...............

He has a beard. Isnt this the most important qualfication for a left wing union official?
As I said on another thread, if he'd come straight out and said that the public sector unions would prefer a cut in numbers to an across the board cut in wages to achieve the paybill savings, then he would have been taken seriously.
That was funny, no paycuts or reductions in numbers, but he can still reduce the paybill!!!! is the programme repeated on line anywhere, i missed alot of it?
Ye Gods he was awful last night.

The unions should have put someone who could make sense on last night rather than him.

If I was a member of SIPTU I'd be embarassed
