Jack Lynch Tunnel - South Link


Registered User

Does anybody here travel through the Jack Lynch Tunnel along the South Link as far as Sarsfield Roundabout (Wilton turnoff) every morning at about 8 to 8:30 am and home again in the evening?

What is the traffic like along this route?

Am looking to purchase a house and would have to travel this route every morning so I am wondering approx how long it would take.

Thanks in advance,

Dont live there now but am from the area and traffic can get bad in the morning

Not M50 bad but you can get stuck

the new flyover may have sorted this problem
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it a total disaster. it could take you up to an hour, with a minimum of 40 mins. Any minor tip, breakdown, Garda cheekpoint etc only delays things all the more.
the new flyover may have sorted this problem
Just kind of pushed the problem out to the Sars. Rd. and Dunkettle Roundabouts instead of it all being at the Magic (Kinsale Rd.) RA.

Can't say I've done the trip at that hour (but I'd often come in from the Airport direction [Kinsale Rd RA] and go towards Littleisland [through the JLT] - it ain't too bad, unless there's one of the [frequent] accidents at the Dunkettle RA), but even around seven in the evening the traffic can be heavy between the tunnel and the Sars. Rd. RA.

It's not Dublin standards, but relative to the rest of Cork it's not great.

The above time seems about right. I would have guessed around 45 mins, but have heard stories of over an hour and a half with some of the tips on the tunnel (there were three [maybe four] in two weeks a few months ago [November?]).
I use the Jack Lynch tunnel to get to the Douglas turn off most days at 8.30 am. I find it fairly good. The traffic seems to be much worse in the opposite direction (i.e. towards Tivoli). The Dunkettle roundabout can be a bit slow, say 1 day in 5.
The trip from Blarney to Douglas takes 40-45 minutes during peak times usually. Can be up to 50 minutes if traffic is bad and 35 mins. if there is no traffic.

IME, it's far easier to go clockwise around the city in the morning than anticlockwise.
FYI, that's the South Ring Road, not the south link (which is the road linking the south Ring to the city centre from Kinsale Rd.)
Traffic can be bad there in the mornings and the evenign but it is reasonably tolerable. You are generally always moving, and I can't ever remember it taking much more tha 30-35 minutes around that time, and I travel it each day.

I used to work in Bishopstown and travel from Glanmire bypass side to arrive before 8:30. I used to go through the city centre (Patrick St, College Rd) rather than take the south ring. That's probably not what you wanted to hear.

I found the south ring would sometimes be ok, but sometimes take too long, whereas by going through the city there were more options - if College Rd was busy, take Western Rd, etc.

That was about 3 years ago, maybe things have improved since. I think there might now be lights at Dunkettle roundabout which was always a bottleneck.
Its a total disaster in Cork terms. I travell from the Dunkettle to the Sarsfields roundabout every morning, which can take up to 25 min. But putting in prespective its 10 miles, and a far less stressful than Dublin.