It's Organ donation awareness week


Registered User
Not seen a thread on this, sure we'll have a chat

Do you have a card? And have you declared to the next of kin?
As I understand the card is useless on its own, your next of kin will be asked to confirm and make the decision here.

It's something I was aware of but meh, will look it another day, procrastination.
Wasn't until a relation was put on the transplant list then I took it seriously

So have declared my wishes to the mammy and I've ordered a card which will be posted out to me this week

Do you have a card and have made your wishes known?

Also, would you support an opt-out system, so you're in unless you declare you are out.
I heard talk about that two years ago but have heard nothing since
I used to have a card then lost it and never got around to getting a new one, but I would definitely 100% support the opt-out system.
I used to have a card then lost it and never got around to getting a new one, but I would definitely 100% support the opt-out system.


Im not sure what bits of me might be useful to someone, but whatever they are, once Im dead youre welcome to them.

I wanted a card years ago but the mammy refused to sign as next of kin. The hubby is aware of my wishes in this respect (and I of his) so even without a card the donation could be made Im sure.

It would be nice to think, in the awfulness of grief that surrounds death, that a good thing was still happening out of it.
Just say you opted to donate much longer would it affect the normal funeral arrangements?
I wouldn't think it would affect funeral arrangements at all as they tend to "harvest" straight away.

I definitely think the opt-out system should be brought in here as a matter of urgency.

If the two of you died in say the same car crash both your good intentions could go by the wayside because there's nothing on paper. Carrying a card is a better idea IMHO.