Its officially winter - the fog light brigade are out

one of the biggest dangers is poeple who drive with their parking lights (sidelights) on and think they're enough. A 5W bulb is NOT enough !!!

Fogs have never dazzled me (or anyone I know either), but badly aimed dipped lights certainly do dazzle me, and there's loads of cars around with that problem.

I always drive with my fogs on and no-one I've met has ever flashed their lights at me to indicate they were being dazzled.

Rear fogs are a much more dangerous hazard, high intensity red lights constantly on in the car in front when following them on a normal night is lethal and I've often flashed my lights to try to get them to realise something is up. Some people do realise but mostly, the only option is to overtake or if that's not possible, then to drop waaaay back.
I always drive with my fogs on and no-one I've met has ever flashed their lights at me to indicate they were being dazzled.

Should it be up to the other driver to tell you that you're driving with fog lights on at inappropriate times ? Thought the rules of the road, as quoted earlier, already did that.
TallPaul, I like that one, " I should know where all the potholes are on the road" on my way home. I admit I don't know where every pothole on my 15 mile drive to and from work is.

I guess you in some peoples eyes you can be too safe. I'm trying to light up a road in front of me as best I can so I don't knock someone down or damage my car.

I do actuall get my eyes tested every year, (job pays for it as we use computers) I don't have 20/20 vision but I don't need to wear glasses.
Should it be up to the other driver to tell you that you're driving with fog lights on at inappropriate times ? Thought the rules of the road, as quoted earlier, already did that.

It's probably more likely that 99.9% of people don't care so long as you're not causing a hazard by dazzling them !
I think there great. I put mine on a lot.

I always drive with my fogs on .

Like I said..........

The fact it is unpleasant, uncomfortable & in some circumstances dangerous for other road users is of no concern to them.


I drive with my park lights on all the time, when it gets a bit darker I put on the spot lights and then when it's gets another bit darker I put on my dipped beams. This would be the correct course of action.

Sometimes it's hard to tell
It's probably more likely that 99.9% of people don't care so long as you're not causing a hazard by dazzling them !

Well it seems pretty clear from this thread that 'fogs' do dazzle other drivers!! Pique318 - I've given up flashing people as I'd look like an ambulance if I did it for every car I come across in my area with their fogs on!
I've noticed an increase in this mainly in last 2 years so I wonder if different, newer cars have really different lights (spots which are not fogs etc.) as I find it hard to believe that people would flick their 'fogs' switch on EVERY time they drive at night, regardless of conditions!? Or maybe I have too much faith in their consideration for other drivers


So am I right in saying that only 0.01% of drivers are actually dazzled by these lights?

I could then say 100% of the cars that dazzled them were out of focus lights, I see lights that are out of focus everyday.

I'd agree with Pique318, rear fog lights are much more a problem with it's intensity, when it's not required. ie. no fog.

Is flashing someone not illegal? I'm sure just as I was about to meet a car and it flashed me out of the blue, that sure as hell would dazzel me.
Well it seems pretty clear from this thread that 'fogs' do dazzle other drivers!!

And so do dipped none of us should use dipped beams either ??

The problem is not with foglights, or with dipped beams, neither of them cause a problem UNLESS they're not aimed correctly !!! Does this compute ?

Front foglights are aimed at the ground about 10 metres max in front of the car. If that causes an oncoming driver to be dazzled, then something is seriously wrong !!
If that causes an oncoming driver to be dazzled, then something is seriously wrong !!

Yes, whats wrong is using them when they shouldnt be used . Fog diffuses the beam intensity. No fog, more intensity, more dazzle.
The rules/ law in relation to the proper use of fog lights have already been pointed out in this thread; the application of the rule/ law shouldn't be subject to personal preference or view: "fog lights don't dazzle me so its ok to have mine on when there's no fog". I think the point has been well made.

Hear Hear.

Now tell me....anyone not use their fogs when there IS fog..? ok lets not go there. Case closed.
Yes, whats wrong is using them when they shouldnt be used . Fog diffuses the beam intensity. No fog, more intensity, more dazzle.

Good one...

it's a 55W bulb, same as the dipped beam wattage, but not focused by the lense for distance, but to be spread on the ground immediately in front of the vehicle.

Granted, if it was knocked askew and pointed up in the air, it would potentially dazzle, but as dipped beams are focused for max distance, the potential for those to dazzle exceeds that of th foglights.

I somehow believe there's a deeper issue that people have with foglights than what is claimed because the facts do not stand up to scrutiny.

I for one have been driving for almost 15 years and have NEVER been dazzled by OEM foglights. However, I am regularly dazzled by badly aimed dipped beams. I have the suceptability to dazzling, but yet it has never happened due to foglights. Yet some people on this thread would fight tooth and nail that they DO dazzle and not just if they're badly aimed. Why is that ?

Is it some judgement they're making about the driver in question ? "Oh look at him, driving with his (perfectly aimed, non dazzling) foglights switched on and no sign of a fog...Grrr...I hate people like that. I bet he's a lunatic on the roads! "

Like someone mentioned previously, they help you see the road and verge better. In dawn/dusk they help you be seen.
It's okay to be wrong! Graham 07 you can't say case closed just because your losing.

That rule/law argument won't stand either, look at the issue of "L" drivers, that's a rule/law and we wont get started there but there are more dangers with that, you would be dazzled with the bad drivers on the road.

Front spot lights are only to light up the are in front of the car, if it does dazzle anyone your either looking at the white line when meeting cars (which is wrong) or there out of focus which is my argument.
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They're, they're Mr 2 ; )! We are discussing the use of fog lights not L plates, not the use of dipped beams, main beams or anything else. Fog lights do dazzle, especially if the road is wet or when used in heavy rain; they are designed and intended for use in fog only. If fog lights contributed to general road safety in all conditions (fog/ no fog, daytime/ night time) we would surely be recommended or guided by the appropriate authorities to drive with fogs on all the time; the simple fact is we are not and the opposite is the case. This could run and run: "but it doesn't dazzle me so I'm right".....
It's okay to be wrong! Graham 07 you can't say case closed just because your loosing.

1) Loosing is not the same as losing. If my fogs were loose then that would be a different matter.

2) Whoever said anything about losing ? I didn't realise this was a competition? However for the sake of it tot up the fors / againsts on the thread.
( oh yes, by the way, I would generally prefer to accept the rule of law than not, that might make me seem a bit stodgy by some people but hey, thats me. )
The authorities can't tell people to drive with these as a lot of cars don't come with front spot lights, however rear fog lights they can tell us to use as they are standard on cars for the irish market.

[broken link removed]

Please look at the above web site, it says as regards fitting spot lights to the font of the car, to "take care not to increase risk to other road
users". Provided my spot lights are correctly focused it cannot be illegal to have them on when I require them.
The authorities can't tell people to drive with these as a lot of cars don't come with front spot lights, however rear fog lights they can tell us to use as they are standard on cars for the irish market.

And since the authorities direction on rear fogs (courtesy of tallpaul) is :-
Use fog lights only during dense fog and falling snow. You must turn them off at all other times.
Would it not be reasonable to expect a similar direction on front ones ?
I have front spot lights / driving lights on my car, not front yellow fog lamps.