Its never too late to Ask!


Has anyone used the search engine recently? The butler has been sacked and at 1% of the market they are hoping to overhaul AOL any day now!

Ive never heard of the Gaelic word "Teoma" perhaps it Scottish-Gaelic?.
Re: Its never to late to Ask!

Found this on the 'Net!

[> "teòma". It means "skilful, expert; ready, quick; correct"

OK, I have a theory now: "teòma" is a back-formation from
the noun "teòmachd", on the pattern of "gasda - gasdachd"
(excellent - excellence).

"Teòmachd" in turn is an abstract noun based on "teth" (hot,
impetuous, keen), whose combining form is "teo-". Teòmachd
would originally have meant something like "heatedness,
keenness, impetuousness, readiness".

I don't know what accounts for the -m- between teò- and the
abstract ending -achd, but there is one other instance of it.
Dwelly has entries for "teò-chridheach" and "teòm-chridheach",
both meaning "affectionate, compassionate", but basically

The earliest attestation of either "teòma" or "teòmachd" that
I have found is of the latter, in a poem by Iain Mac Codrum,
whose dates are ca. 1700-1779:

Teannadh ri moladh ar daoine,
Cha robh e saoithreach air pòghad: [pòghad = poet!]
An gleus an gaisge is an teòmachd,
Air aon adhbhar thig 'nan còmhdhail.