Its never too late to Ask!


Has anyone used the search engine recently? The butler has been sacked and at 1% of the market they are hoping to overhaul AOL any day now!

Teoma, which means "expert" in Gaelic, has been the heart of Ask search technology since 2001. The power of the Teoma algorithm, now known as ExpertRank, makes Ask search technology one of the world's most powerful and unique search engines.
Ive never heard of the Gaelic word "Teoma" perhaps it Scottish-Gaelic?.
Re: Its never to late to Ask!

Found this on the 'Net!

[> "teòma". It means "skilful, expert; ready, quick; correct"

OK, I have a theory now: "teòma" is a back-formation from
the noun "teòmachd", on the pattern of "gasda - gasdachd"
(excellent - excellence).

"Teòmachd" in turn is an abstract noun based on "teth" (hot,
impetuous, keen), whose combining form is "teo-". Teòmachd
would originally have meant something like "heatedness,
keenness, impetuousness, readiness".

I don't know what accounts for the -m- between teò- and the
abstract ending -achd, but there is one other instance of it.
Dwelly has entries for "teò-chridheach" and "teòm-chridheach",
both meaning "affectionate, compassionate", but basically

The earliest attestation of either "teòma" or "teòmachd" that
I have found is of the latter, in a poem by Iain Mac Codrum,
whose dates are ca. 1700-1779:

Teannadh ri moladh ar daoine,
Cha robh e saoithreach air pòghad: [pòghad = poet!]
An gleus an gaisge is an teòmachd,
Air aon adhbhar thig 'nan còmhdhail.