It's my Party- another quality programme from RTE


Registered User
What absolute rubbish, can't believe I watched it. How do these daft ideas get through to production?
And the TV licence fee is going up as well to provide for more drivel ... or possibly Mr Dunphy's salary? :mad:

The only thing I watch on RTE is the 6pm news and Prime Time - the rest is poor quality, which I resent having to pay for!
I watched the first two minutes before switching over. I didn't think it could get any worse than Desperate Houses but RTE have well and truely reached a new low.
I saw the second half of this tonight ... heard the hostess interviewed on Today FM this morning ... thought she came off well. The show was tripe though ... where did they dig up those two from? Will not bother watching again ... makes desperate houses look good!
Not sure why, but I watched it.

Probably the worst programme I have ever seen.

Two snobs advising a single mother from Tallaght on how to throw a party. What next?
Unfortunately I half watched it while doing something else - bra chandeliers!!! I didn't realise it was possible for anyone to have so little taste!
Watched the second part of was a bit tacky to say the least! The 2 party promo women criticised everything and told her to her face she did a great job! It didnt look like the most exciting party either...
delgirl said:
The only thing I watch on RTE is the 6pm news and Prime Time - the rest is poor quality, which I resent having to pay for!

I'll be moving house shortly and when I do the TV is going. I rarely watch it, usually just things like Prime Time and BBC's Newsnight, but these are available the following day on their respective websites. For the use I make out of it and the cost of the license fee it is not worth it.

Admittedly for things like the World Cup I'll be at a loss but I intend to buy a projector (you can really good ones now for under €1,000) so I can watch DVDs and occasional things like the World Cup, etc.

Au revoir to the license fee and that ugly grey box in the corner dominating the room.
delgirl said:
And the TV licence fee is going up as well to provide for more drivel ... or possibly Mr Dunphy's salary? :mad:

The only thing I watch on RTE is the 6pm news and Prime Time - the rest is poor quality, which I resent having to pay for!

You have got to be joking? RTE are putting out some great programmes recently. eg The series comparing 1986 to 2006, the Irish in America,Would you believe,podge and rodge ;) ,primetime. Quality stuff when you compare to the crap on ITV and SKY.
ivuernis said:
I'll be moving house shortly and when I do the TV is going. I rarely watch it, usually just things like Prime Time and BBC's Newsnight, but these are available the following day on their respective websites. For the use I make out of it and the cost of the license fee it is not worth it.

Admittedly for things like the World Cup I'll be at a loss but I intend to buy a projector (you can really good ones now for under €1,000) so I can watch DVDs and occasional things like the World Cup, etc.

Au revoir to the license fee and that ugly grey box in the corner dominating the room.

You will still need a TV licence if the projector is capable of picking up the TV signal.
True but ITV and SKY are commercial broadcasters.

RTE, I will admit, do put out some quality stuff, but far too much of the airtime is filled with dross like "house porn" and imported soaps.
SteelBlue05 said:
You will still need a TV licence if the projector is capable of picking up the TV signal.

I know, but I won't be paying.

My DVD/VCR is capable of picking up a TV signal but if I had no way of viewing the signal would I still have to pay!?!
larry1 said:
You have got to be joking? RTE are putting out some great programmes recently. eg The series comparing 1986 to 2006, the Irish in America,Would you believe,podge and rodge ;) ,primetime. Quality stuff when you compare to the crap on ITV and SKY.

Fine for you if you want to watch these programmes, what about those of us who don't watch anything on RTE but still have to pay the license if we have a TV?
ivuernis said:
I know, but I won't be paying.

My DVD/VCR is capable of picking up a TV signal but if I had no way of viewing the signal would I still have to pay!?!

Along the same lines, do you need a license if your PC is TV-enabled? I heard the ads on RTE recently, informing people that if they bring a portable TV to their holiday home from the principal residence, that they are liable for an additional license - I thought it was a joke!!!
"Every household, business or institution in Ireland with a television or equipment capable of receiving a television signal (i.e., an aerial, satellite dish, etc.,) must have a television licence. "

"If the equipment capable of receiving a television signal (i.e., a television set, a personal computer), etc. is held in a household (i.e., apartment, flat, house), then one television licence will cover multiple pieces of equipment"

Bamhan said:
Try prooving to the Tv licence people that you no longer have a TV.
I don't think you have to prove anything to them, just return the licence fee demand letter with a note stating that you don't have a TV.
michaelm said:
I don't think you have to prove anything to them, just return the licence fee demand letter with a note stating that you don't have a TV.

You'll receive letters from them threatening legal action every year if you don't buy a licence. It is a standard letter that they send to everyone who has not paid. They assume everyone has a TV.
brodiebabe said:
You'll receive letters from them threatening legal action every year if you don't buy a licence. It is a standard letter that they send to everyone who has not paid. They assume everyone has a TV.

Absolutely. I have friends who don't have a TV and haven't had one for years. They had enormous hassle showing inspectors all around the house and they still got a summons! It took several phone calls and a second visit to convince the authoritaas that they didn't have a TV.
Check out what got watched in May - Seems like somebody likes Desperate Houses/Showhouse/Fame & Fortune etc. Maybe we should blame the viewers, not the program makers.