iTouch Itunes and Bonjour


Registered User
Trying to install the latest version of itunes on a Windows Vista pc. I keep getting the same error

Error writing to file c/Program Files/bonjour/mdnsrresponder.exe Verify that you have access to this directory

Anyone know how to fix this ?

Havent come across this but try to turn off User Access Control and then try it again

TO turn off User Access Control ( not sure if this is quite correct as I dont have Vista machine in front of me

Go to Start Settings Control Panel - User Accounts
Select your User and Select Properties
Select Turn off User Account Control
Select Ok and reboot the PC

Try it again

Also Check that you can read and write to c/Program Files/bonjour/

Open that folder and Create a New Notepad file and SAve it with some data
If you can do this then try the top thing
Tried to save a file in this folder but wont let me

also tried to remove uac and install and same problem ? Logged in as an admin

OK so if you cant save a file in this folder its means that you do not have rights to it

Right click on the folder and select Sharing and Security
Select Add and then Select your name from the list
Select OK all the way out and then try to save a file in the folder again

This is the way its done in XP as I dont have the Vista box in front of me

If that works try your install and see if gets past this stage

Also Re enable UAC as even though I dont like it its the best way to stop getting Virus and the like
No joy there

Had to download a stripped down version called iTunes switchless installer. However can load up songs but not movies....damn if I knew it was this hard

Maybe just Vista as will try to load itunes on XP laptop and update Vista to Windows 7
You probably need to take ownership of the folder.

I had awful problems with ownership and rights of folders and files with Vista. Never got to the bottom of it either.