IT38 Short Form


Registered User

I recently received an inheritance and need to submit a CAT return to the revenue. From looking online i think that i would be able to file the short form IT38 form as I think i meet the conditions (outlined below). I received an inheritance form my Dad, no reliefs are being claimed and there are no conditions attached so points 1 and 2 are met. In relation to point 3 the inheritance was taken only from him, however i had previous gifts from both him and my mam which will need to be included on the return but I think that I still meet point 3????

Can somebody please confirm this? Also could you point me to a download of the IT38 short form. I can't seem to find it on the revenue website.


The short form IT38 may be used only in the following circumstances:

  • Where no relief/exemption/credit is claimed, apart from the small gift exemption
  • Where the benefit taken is an absolute interest without conditions or restrictions
  • Were the property included in the return was taken from only one disponer and is not part of a larger benefit or series of benefits taken by beneficiary on the same day.