IT Consultant Rates


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Hi All

I was just wondering if anyone could help me. I am in the process of establishing an IT Consultancy and have a few jobs lined up. However I have no clue on what to charge ect. Could some one maybe point me in the direction I sholud look or even give me an indication of rates. It will be in the Dublin area.

What kind of consulting? IT Consulting can cover infrastructure, services, software, ERP, CRM, and for what industries?
Most of the work will be Software and Hardware. Small Offices and Web Design etc. It is only a part time job. In the evenings and weekends. However I have lots of offers for work but have been lately helping out for free.

When you say software do you mean desktop software e.g. Microsoft packages and other packages for small business?
However I have lots of offers for work but have been lately helping out for free.

No surprise you've have lots of offers for work if you're working for free! This may well have an impact on what these people will pay you, as you probably have devalued your service.
Well you can either charge a per job rate or an hourly rate.
Where you know exactly what the job entails and you don't forsee any issues then charge per job.
Where its questionable (e.g. rebuilding a server) and you are not sure what you might encounter then I'd charge an hourly rate. My suggestion would be around Euro70 per hour but see what others suggest....
In our small business we have 12 computers and we are charged €800 per day for a software consultant and €600 for hardware consultants
This seems all a bit vague. IT consultancy is a huge market, with a miriad of skills to contend with. But like any other market. Find out what you need, and then try and find the best person/company for that need based on your budget. That way you only pay for what you think is value for money and have no unessary expectations or surprises come invoice time.

But as previous post, those kind of figures are not uncommon, but are by no means a definitive benchmark to use. Talk to lots of people, and get the best for your money.
Sinbadsailor..did you actually read the thread? The original OP clarified what types of services he/she is offering....He/she is OFFERING the service not looking for serviice...

There are quite a few salary surveys available. Have a look at some recruitment websites for going rates.

about 25 euro per hour. There are plenty of people coming from Poland who will do it for less though.