Issue with weatherproof lock


Registered User
I bought a weatherproof pad-lock for the back garden gate a few years ago. I have used the key to open it a few times with no problem since then. However lately the lock wouldn't budge. I tried several attempts to open it using both keys that were supplied but neither worked (both fitted but wouldn't turn). Today I attempted to open the lock as I needed to get coal delivered but the key broke in the lock. Do I have any consumer rights or do I have to suck it up and pay to get the lock professionally removed?
I don't know. How many years ago and have you a receipt? As its a padlock a hacksaw or a bolt-cutters will snip through the shank in short order. If its on a garden shed you will probably be able to remove the screws holding the receiver for the bolt with a screwdriver. Personally, I wouldn't go to the expense of calling out a locksmith.

To keep keys like these lubricated, rub the shank and the teeth with a pencil. Graphite is a great lubricant, but not for keys with electronic components e.g. car-keys
I can probably find the receipt from about three years ago. I'd have no problem if it was just a matter of removing a few screws from a garden shed. The padlock is on a garden gate so it will probably need the a bolt-cutter. However, being neither a bolt-cutter or a bolt-cutter son, it will cost me. Do I have any consumer rights or do I have to suck it up?
If you have a receipt you may be able to get a replacement lock. If you want consequential damages due to lock failure you'll probably have to go to law, maybe small claims court? IANAL nor a lockpicker's son. I do have a few banjo-pluckers in the family tree though.
Vaseline is a brilliant way to keep the lock clean and rust free. If you google videos on u-tube you'll find many different ways to open any lock, nothing too difficult and some methods will surprise you.