Israel; the other side of the story

Not getting in to this but when you add in another arm of the security forces which starts with m I dont think you could say what they're limit is . I do agree on the balance point
To say that the Palestinians are better off compared to other arab states or that they were let down by their own leaders and others in the arab world, does not undermine my essential point that Israel is racist. It was set up for jews. It identifies itself as a Jewsih state. Only Jews can avail of the Law of Return. Israel desire to see the establishment of a Palestinian statelet under its thumb is very much based on its fear of a growing arab populaltion in Israel proper, and a desire to counter this in any peace settlement.

Israel gov't used the attack in Itamar to justify further settlements and points to Israel's moral bankrupcy. I don't like histrionics, but it's hard not see this as 500 new houses on stolen land bought by the murder of these Israeli's. The beast that Israel has become is even beginning to eat its own children.
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I'm sure Israel would have preferred if Jordan did what it was supposed to do 60 years ago.