Isn't it ironic ...

..or seeing the inscription "this product may contain nuts" on a packet of peanuts...d
that the season of jollity being just over, nobody has any new jokes! (uh-oh, could be moved to the Ranting thread
I've posted this Tommy Cooper joke before but how and ever....

I bet my butcher €10 that he couldn't reach the meat on his top shelf but he declined. He said the steaks were too high.
Not to mention the young fella who sat up on the ham slicer and got a little behind in his orders...
And then there was the one about the butchers apprentice who was getting a constant whistling sound in his ear while in work. One day he was out the back slicing ham, he slipped, his head fell into the slicer and his ear was sliced off. The butcher ran in and brought the lad and his ear to the hospital, but unbeknownst to all the butcher had picked up an old pigs ear instead of the lads real ear.
The none the wiser surgeon sewed the pigs ear on to the young apprentice, for as we all know, pigs and humans have very similar ears. When the apprentice started back in work a few weeks later, the butcher asked him how was his ear and was he still getting the whistling sound. The apprentice said no, it was gone, but he was getting a bit of crackling.
