ISM website down?


Registered User
I don't believe this!! :mad: I was on the website yesterday and decided to buy a dvd of preparing for the exam and a book for theory. So today i bought a 3v card as they only accept Visa etc.. but now the site seems down i can't order them, and i hope they are up again before the voucher expires and I lose €50. Typical irish websites!! (or is it me?)

Does this work for anyone else?
No - seems to be down at the moment. I think that they may be hosted by and they had outage problems today (e.g. all sites hosted by them, including AAM, were down this morning) so maybe there are still some ongoing issues? You could try the Google cached version of the site in case it contains the info that you're looking for and you cannot wait until the site is back up.
Thanks CM, but I tried the google one already and i can't make product orders on it. So it's no use :( suppose i'll have to wait.