Is Xtra-Vision selling our address to Third Parties?


Registered User
My partner recently became a member of our local Xtra-Vision and supplied her home & work address.

The next time we rented a film out, it turned out that the store had entered her work address as our home one.

Recently, she has received 2 seperate letters at work that no other member of staff received and the Xtra-Vision connection is the only logical one we could come up with.

The first letter invited her to join "the official British National Lottery" syndicate giving her up to 420 chances to win €220 million all for "the special international fee of €15".

The second letter, received today, invited her to donate money to sick kids (she left it at work, so I can't give specifics until tomorrow).

I read through an application form for Xtra-Vision last night and it did indicate they reserved the right to pass information to other companies within the Group. Also, to tick a box if you didn't want to receive special offers ( which i think was ticked).

However, the first "offer" in particular would appear to be dodgy to me. Is it possible that Xtra-Vision is selling such information to "the bad guys"?

Anyone else experienced this?
Re: Is Xtra-Vision selling our address to Fraudsters?

Thats interesting but I think its most likely that these guys are using the register of electors. When opening up accounts like this I often include a spurious letter or two in the address field like "XV". If this address is used ill know it was from them.

As a first step, see if Xtra Vision have actually given your details to these third parties.
As a first step, see if Xtra Vision have actually given your details to these third parties.
Her query wasnt if they have but if they do
rkeane said:
Her query wasnt if they have but if they do

Well surely only Xtra Vision can confirm that?

I have never received any offers from compaines such as the ones mentioned above and am an Xtra Vision customer.
Well surely only Xtra Vision can confirm that?

I have never received any offers from compaines such as the ones mentioned above and am an Xtra Vision customer.
Many people on here might be able to confirm that. Xtra Vision might just flat out deny it.
rkeane said:
Many people on here might be able to confirm that. Xtra Vision might just flat out deny it.

Fair enough-can you do so?

I have said that I can't.

I don't see what is wrong with suggesting that they actually contact Xtra Vision, perhaps citing [broken link removed]legislation when they do so.
I dont see what is wrong with it either. However, why not ask people on a discussion board first as, I've said, her question is whether that DO not if they have to her. Wont cost her anything to ask on here. This is way off topic now.
In my experience a good proportion of this comes from the register of electors and the phone book. You should ask XV what their policy is and whether they comply with the data protection act.

rkeane - i'm a fine strapping young man, thanks

The reason I used the term "fraudulant" is that it's clear ( to me anyway) that an invitation to pay €15 and win €220 million is a fraudulant offer. One of the Nigerian scams ( forgive me if 'm not quite being P.C.)

As for the electoral register or phone book, perhaps I wasn't being clear enough. The only company that has my partners work address is XV due to their own mix up in inputting the details. Also, we're in rented accomodation.

I asked here ( and on to see if this was a common occurance amongst others.
sorry, dont know why I thought you were a girl. Hopefully women everywhere dont think I'm sexist.