Is wood softer than laminate flooring?


Registered User
Laminate V wood. We have been looking at high spec 9mm laminate but I find it very hard and plasticy feeling to sit, kneel or lie on (as we do with kids around). Is wood much softer and thus worth the investment? Thanks.
We have hard wood floors downstairs and it is softer and warmer than laminate whilst still being very durable and solid. In my opinion laminate flooring looks very cheap, semi solid is another option. We went without flooring in sitting room, study and hall for 2 years until we could afford hard wood flooring, It was worth the extra cost, people always admire it, its warm and cosey and very hard wearing.
Totally agree with Molly. We have steamed beech blocks in the hall and oak blocks in the sitting room and dining room. Floors have been down for 50 + years and, apart from a burst heating pipe under the hall floor which meant taking it up and relaying, they are virtually maintenance free. Application of Danish oil about every 12 months and that's it.
hi, we got pine flooring in our living room and hall and if i did it again i would certainly use a wood which does not mark so easily, i know i can sand it and varnish in a few years but who really wants to do that?
Any of the dearer stuff downstairs (not sure which is the hardest wearing) and laminate is ok for bedrooms.

Not familiar with the steamed beech blocks that BillK has but they definitely sound a much better option than sanding and varnishing every few years.
Any of the dearer stuff downstairs (not sure which is the hardest wearing) and laminate is ok for bedrooms.

Not familiar with the steamed beech blocks that BillK has but they definitely sound a much better option than sanding and varnishing every few years.