Is Wilma heading this way?


I notice that the remnants Wilma might be heading our way. Remember Charley in 1986?

If you extrapolate the line on the map it looks like it might hit North Mayo on Sunday Night or Monday Morning.

There's an area of high pressure over Europe at the mo and this should deflect it off to our north or hold it off the coast. This in itself might cause some flooding if it sits for a while off the west coast dumping rain. You can follow the sequence of UK Met Office charts here to see this happening: [broken link removed]. According to these the wind should pick up a bit on Wednesday with some rain but it will get slightly warmer. Thursday should see much of the same and then it should start moving off by Friday.

It looks like Wilma will dissapate fully by Friday afternoon at 46N 20W in the Mid Atlantic.

You'd be surprised! There was one feature that NOAA tracked all the way to Iceland earlier this year. It didn't die when it was supposed to and then the NOAA graphics went all screwy trying to squeeze the entire Atlantic east-west extents into the image. I guess they didn't even expect it to live so long either :) If you look you'll see that there a couple of candidates for 'Beta'. The peeps over on the weather forum at Boards actively track the hurricanes during the season as well as weather around our own shores.

Bigger weather nerds hang out at TheWeatherOutlook (TWO). They're pretty on the ball and look at the weather about 4 or 5 days down the road. For the non-weather fiends they have a photography section where you can send in pictures of clouds and things.
Hi DeclanI,

Thanks for the information. Brendan McWilliams had a very interesting article in yesterday's IT. It seems that last year we experienced the first Atlantic Hurricane South of the equator which hit southern Brazil. And that a North Atlantic tropical storm actually hit southern Spain!

Strange Times.

Yes. It was Vince that just glanced by Spain/Portugal earlier this season. And Hurricane Catarina bashed Brazil in March of last year. And now we've got TS Beta - even it is a bit limp.