Is this Unfair Redundancy??

Also, a company is obliged to pursue alternative roles that you could be offered. Ask them how they’re getting on in this regard.
As everyone says, it all sounds very unfair but no matter what they will have you out, so your best bet is negotiate for 6 months pay for you to leave. Ask for the staff handbook and a few days to study it. Ask for a meeting and bring someone with you. Ask for 12 months redundancy payment. Do not wait to negotiate after you have left, once you walk out the door you are gone. So keep delaying the 30 day notice period to give yourself breathing space.

Dear HR, I was very surprised to be told that I was going to be made redundant last Friday. The staff handbook was mentioned. I do not have a copy. Please provide me with a copy and point out the relevant sections to me. I will need to discuss this with my representatives so once I have a copy of the handbook I will need 5 working days to respond and the 30 day notice period needs to pause while I review the booklet.

Same with a meeting.
Dear HR Thanks for the booklet, I have studied it with my representatives and I have some questions. Can we meet Monday week to discuss further and I will bring a personal representative with me. They are not available sooner so the 30 day notice period needs to pause.

Stuff like that.

Dear HR, I notice I need to be able to evaluate other jobs within the company, can we meet next week to discuss. In the meantime I would like to propose a full and final payment of €xxx in order for me to leave your employment immediately on receipt of payment.

Just hold firm, and don’t get emotional. Keep thinking just give me the money and I am gone.