Is this true vat on a new building

Jolly Man

Registered User
Is this correct i was reading in an article that you can claim vat back from the tax office in a one off claim for a once off house?
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Not for a private residential house, no.

Now if it's a commercial property then it's possible but it does have ramifications so you'd need to discuss it with an accountant before proceeding.
I wonder if the article you read was in a UK publication, as people can reclaim VAT on building their own home there.

this is not possible in Ireland.
Yes Nige correct, it was aimed at northern Ireland. What a pity.

Thanks for the replys guys
you can be sure that if VAT back was ever introduced in Ireland, the builders would increase their prices accordingly.
If You were able to reclaim vAT on inputs for a new buid , the flip side would be that on a disposal say many years down the road, VAT would have to accounted for on the sale proceeds !

Example build cost site €150,000
Labour €75,000
Material €125,000
Total cost €350,000

VAT claimed back on material would have been €21694 and say to include incidental exps €25,000.

10 yrs down the road you sell for €650,000, the vat content would be €77,313 . You would have long forgotton the €25k and would be horrified at losing €77k.
