Is this a cave-in or what?

Hi Zeus

There is no information in either the subject of your post or the content of your message to tell people what this is about.

It's good practice to put the subject matter into the title of the post to save people from following links of no interest at all.

Irish and Jews

Yes, Zeus this is a cave in. We refuse to critize the arabs countries but we would go out of our way if Israel so much as gives anyone of these same countries a dirty glance.

if Israel so much as gives anyone of these same countries a dirty glance.

Or blows the crap out of them with missiles and gunships. Yeah.

I think Israel can only blame itself for the rise of antisemitic prejudice in Europe. Its unwillingness to accomodate for the rights of the people who used to live on that land is untenable. They have lost that sort or moral highground borne out of the holocaust by lowering themselves to the systematic brutality perpetrated by the Nazis. No wonder there is a rise in anti-semitism...if you saw the rise of a new Reich would you not be against it?
Re: zeus

'No wonder there is a rise in anti-semitism...if you saw the rise of a new Reich would you not be against it? '

There is one..... and it's coming from the left.
TrueBlue the lefty

'There is one..... and it's coming from the left.''s coming from the right...the far right where people like Bush & you dwell.
Re: TrueBlue the lefty

Aaaa…. ha ha ha! Any hair brained bad ideal from socialism to communism and fascism have all come from Europe and not America. wOoooo….. Dubya is coming to get you burp what ever will you do?
Dubya is doomed

I'm okay. I have a huge cache of WMD in my back garden.

I'm not worried as his days are numbered. Only a matter of months.

I can't wait to gloat when he's gone.


TrueBurp 527 TrueBlue 0

Re: Dubya is doomed

Sadam is already gone burp. Haven't you being paying any attention?

Go on the Bush!
Saddam is gone...who's next

Yeah...Saddam is gone. The next terrorist to go will be Bush...or maybe you haven't been watching the news.

Nothing new there then.

Go on the voters of America...get rid of that idiot.

TrueBurp 528 TrueBlue 0

Its so good to have you back TrueBlue. We were getting bored of all this rational discussion we were having.
Re: tb

How you can compare Bush and Sadam as belonging to the same group shows you have a complete lack of understanding on what is morally right and wrong. We have to wait and see if Bush gets into the White house come November won’t we? As for this point scoring, burp I’m way ahead on you in everything.


Maxblubluer .. Rainyday… er, I mean true burp, why do you have to assume all these silly little names
Re: tb

"a complete lack of understanding on what is morally right and wrong"

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol