Is there life on Mars?


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With all the new stars they're finding and all the new data they're recording, the odds of finding alien life of "some sort" seem to be improving all the time.

I wonder will we actually make contact with "intelligent" life in our lifetime.
Would it be a good thing or a bad thing? I think I'd be really excited if we did but there would certainly be a nagging in the back of my head that it could be really, really bad!
I think I'd be really excited if we did but there would certainly be a nagging in the back of my head that it could be really, really bad!

Chances are if the life was as intelligent or less intelligent than us the americans would blow them kingdom come and take all their natural resources.

If the life was more intelligent than us theyd probably leave and not bother sticking around for contact once they see the state of how things are run on Earth.

Thinking of emigrating?
LOL! Now that the exit tax is reduced, its worth thinking about! I'll give Richard Branson a buzz - see where he can get me to.
I wonder will we actually make contact with "intelligent" life in our lifetime. Would it be a good thing or a bad thing?
We won't. If there is "intelligent" life it will be too far away. I too suspect it would be really bad.
I'd be happy to think that there was intelligent life in the government!
Think of the vastness of space, really think about it... (think of our solar system as a grain of sand and the next star as another grain of sand but on the moon. Now think about how small the chances are of meeting other developed life forms. Now think of that distance as the axis of a graph.

The other axis is time; not only would we have to meet each other in space but also in time. Within only a few billion years life could come and go within a solar system. There could be smart aliens close to us in distance but they could be hundreds of trillions on years away in time.

Will we meet in time and distance? I can't see it happen.