Is there anyone keeping count of FG double standards? cronyism etc


Registered User
I was wondering was there a website that will keep count of all the reversals on FG promises, the latest one is good old cronyism, the Indo has a nice one today

where the wife gets a job as assistant. I thought the civil service was there to assist TD's. Ah nice work if you can get it.

here's the link.

Why is this a problem? I see nothing wrong with employing a family member as long as they do the job satisfactorily.

(I am not affiliated to any political party, although I can't stand Fianna Fail.)
There FG mantra when seeking election was " Politics is Broken" ie too much cronyism and jobs for the boys but we will change all that.

If you think it is OK for an elected public official to then give jobs to his family then we should not be surprised we are in the mess we are in. There is such a thing as equal opportunity. The job was never advertised.

I can see a good arguement for the Parlimentary Assistant post to be at the discretion of the TD. This person will be eating/sleeping/drinking with the TD for the next five years. They will be their right hand person. They will probably see more of this person than they will see of their wife (unless of course, it is their wife). It makes sense that the TD can choose this person.

I can't see an sense in having the secretary post at the discretion of the TD. This is a generic (yet important) role. Recruitment for this post should be done by the House of the Oireachtas, not the TD.
If its a state job , funded by the tax payer well then it should go through normal channels, if someone has the neck to appoint their wife then they should fund it themselves , the whole system makes you wretch
This idea was discussed on the radio today and to be fair to the examples they gave, the family members have been working with the politicians for many years in some cases.

So if, for example, your sister was working as your assistant for maybe 6yrs when you were a councillor, then you get elected to the Dail, why would you ditch them?

I would see the argument if these family members were only given the jobs since the election. That would not be acceptable.
Where family members or friends can be employed by politicians there is a suspicion of cronyism. But given that these family members/friends generally have been working for the TD's in the past makes their employment understandable as they have knowledge and skills already at their disposal. Perhaps the solution is bring them under the management of the CS/PS where their work is supervised. It's more work for the managers, but it's worth it to allay some of the criticism.

The alternative of the TD training in a Newbie just doesn't make practical sense.

As a bye the bye I see Joan Collins of PBP employed her running mate (?) in some capacity or other, so if you accuse FG of cronyism, you must accuse her of it as well.