Is there any where that can supply cheaper than the ESB?


Registered User
Is there any where that can supply cheaper than the ESB? I use quite a bit of the stuff and would like to get a better deal.
Last time I checked, Airtricity charged exactly the same as the ESB, including the addition of a public service obligation levy charge. Their unit charges were the same, and the standing charges were the same. There was no benefit to changing over to Airtricity at all - apart from the environmental benefit obviously.

Though, based on this, AIRTRICITY to exit residential market, it doesn't look like it makes much difference now what they were charging.

This, Wheres the Electricity Competition, has some information, though based on the above, it seems a little dated now.
You could also try a company called Energia. I think they only supply business customers at the moment though. Although the electricity market in Ireland is fully-open to competition, the reality is that there are few, if any, alternatives to the ESB for domestic/residential customer. Perhaps the Commission for Energy Regulation could advise - is the website.
Meant to post this earlier. An interesting use of Google Adwords by the ESB.

Type "Airtricity" into Google, and you get paid advertising for the ESB on the right hand side of the page.

Personally, I believe this kind of spend, in fact all advertising and sponsorship, by a state run monopoly is wrong, and a wasted. But that's just me.
Unless you are a commercial customer, forget about it. Unless you buy 4000 windmills and stick them in your back garden and blow like hell!! Energy competition is not for domestic users. Have you heard any ads recently offering cheaper electricity? Don't think so.