Thanks everyone. Ye're brilliant. It helped a lot of put it in writing as my head is just swirling these days from news of the economy crashing and prices dropping etc. I need to get back to basics i.e. we need to move.
Thanks for the idea about renting but we wouldn't go for that. For one thing, I want to offload some short-term loans when we sell the house. Maybe not the best idea to pay short-term loans from house sale but I hate them and want rid of them as they're a huge burden. The plan is to start fresh with no loans (
ever again, short of an emergency loan for emergency health care or something) and our only outlay would be rent each month (plus obviously lifestyle costs like petrol, food, bus fares and the other thousand more). Hopefully we'll have something left from the sale to put towards a future house purchase if we do buy again. The idea of renting until the kids are grown and then heading off to a little studio apartment in Greece for our old age seems very appealing right now (but that's for another board entirely!!).
In any case I'd hate to be a landlord. I'd be upset if things weren't going great for the tenants. Not to mention the fact that my husband and I have zero DIY skills so we'd probably be calling in professionals every time the light bulbs went! Seriously, I'd always worry that the tenants would move out and the house would sit vacant for months on end.
We'll go for it and see what happens. It was valued at 350k in 2006 (I know I know that means diddleysquat now! Bear with me!!!) so we're hoping to get 260ish. I think that's realistic. If it's not we'll come down to 250 or 245. I think
if there are buyers out there that's still a good deal (detached, 3 bed, v quiet area, big gardens etc).
Worst case scenario, it doesn't sell. We keep living here. Not ideal and very disappointing but sure, I can always say when I'm older that we tried!!
Thanks guys, ye're great.
angela59 said:
people seemed to really like it but the problem was they were either in a chain or couldn't raise money from the banks.
Yes, that's definitely something we must be aware of. The banks are keeping a tight grip on whatever money they have left these days.
angela59 said:
to me how I would discribe it, it was like living out of a suitcase for a year
I'm dreading that and I know exactly what you mean. honestly, I can't keep the place tidy for 5 minutes, I can't imagine the stress of viewers (and yet I hope we get some!). I'm going to de-clutter big time so there's less stuff to cause a mess!
"It is worth a try and I wish you the very best of luck and happiness in your new venture."
Thanks a million
Thanks for the great post. I smiled at this:
"We are in a 2-bed apartment signed for waaaay before our babs was even thought......... We both work a lot from home and enjoy spending time at home. With two work stations and a lively 18 month old, space is very limited in an apartment"
I work from home too and I know what you mean.
Best of luck to you in buying a new home. I think you're right to look for more space. We had a very small house when my 2 eldest children were babies. I just adored the house - very cosy open plan but one room downstairs (!) and we moved here and never liked it. Just be sure to pick somewhere you really love and not just somewhere with more space like we did!!