Is there an unsafe km limit on leased cars?


Registered User
Hi all
Looked to see if this was covered before but could not find anything. The lease on our car is 4 years but due tot he recession it was extended. My car is around 4 and a half years old with 285,000+km. There was an issue with the car but as it is due to be changed in January I was told it would not be fixed! I had a horrendous incident on the road where the powere went in the accelerator and had to free wheel from the fast lane to the hard shoulder on the motorway - very upsetting and was shaking afterwards. This may be connected to the probelm reported 6 weeks ago. Not sure. Anyway to get back to my question - is there sucha thing as an 'unsafe' limit for a leased car that is doing a lot of mileage most days? I know the government say there is but I take that with a pinch of salt!
Don't know in general but Garda cars are driven to 300,000km before they are considered unsafe and taken off the road. I would imagine that some if not all of them get a fair bit of hard driving though !
What has this got to do with whether the car is leased or owned outright?

I think you are asking if there is an upper limit on the mileage of a car?

I doubt it as it would mean that it would be enshrined in the NCT.
