Is there an acceptable level of cash savings for a mortgage


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Is there an acceptable level of a mortgage to have in cash savings? Im taking out a mortgage

I have 50% as a parental gift
25% from a savings account and CU account accumulated in the last6/7 months
alittle less that 25% was savings in cash

I had the last 25% in cash savings and moved it into AIB, then through my own ignorance of the process I moved money from AIB to BOI because I didnt realise I paid my deposit to my solicitor and not my bank.

The branch staff have accepted that this is okay but I am worried that the rug could be pulled out from under me at the last minute.

I have signed the offer and its says they need evidence of the source of money that constitutes our deposit.
Its really not very clear what you are asking, Canyou clarify ?


Is there an acceptable level of a mortgage to have in cash savings? Im taking out a mortgage

I have 50% as a parental gift
25% from a savings account and CU account accumulated in the last6/7 months
alittle less that 25% was savings in cash.

Is this the breakdown of your deposit ?
What percentage of the purchase price do you have as a deposit ?
What do you mean by cash ? Is this bank notes under the bed ?

Why does it matter what bank this money is deposited in?
Where was it before it was in the AIB ?

If it is savings that you accumulated over time, you tell them this,

I understand that you are worried and its a stressful time, but I cant see that you have an problem.
yeh it was cash I had saved, some was change/coin and some money I had left over from a couple of years ago with the intention of buying a car that never materialized in the end and I just put bits to it every now and again.

my deposit is about 14% of house price and the cash is a bit under 25% of that.

I think im making a bigger deal of it than I should really

Is it reasonable from their perspective to save in cash?

I think it will be okay though as its a small portion of my deposit
Should know tomorrow if itll be a problem or not, the more I think about it and based on the staff in the branch I think im okay
Doesnt seem like it has been a problem, we got a letter saying we have satisfied the special criteria (the line I was worried about was in the special criteria) and that we just need our insurances to draw down. happy days