Is there a law preventing use of a camerphone in a hospital.

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Re: Photos in hospital

I'd imagine it's like taking photos in gyms or swimming pools etc. There's generally a prohibition on taking pics if there are other people there, even if your intention is only to take a pic of your mum. I'd say it's because, if you have your camera/phone out, it's v easy just to snap away and could take pics of other patients. So I'd imagine it's a blanket rule to protect the privacy of others, rather than anything else. I don't know if you closed the curtains before taking the picture - can't imagine that they'd have a problem if you did that...
Re: Photos in hospital

thanks for all comments, we now believe an mrsa type infection has be contracted as she is in practical isolation, but they are denying anything is wrong and refuse to inform us of the treatment being give, we are being subjected to supervised visits, for fear she may hurt herself even do she is out of it sedated, which again they deny she is sedated, at this stage we dont know what to do, were told we are interfering.
Re: Photos in hospital

Make a freedom of information request for all records. You may need to get your mum to sign confirmation you have her approval. I Mrs J Bloggs of anytown confirm i have given permission to my daughter Mary Bloggs of any address to seek all of my med records under foi.

And if you can get a solicitor. might be able to help
Re: Photos in hospital

Don't feel intimidated by them Bridget. This photo ban thing sounds like rubbish to me. Go into any maternity ward and people are taking photos left right and centre.

My approach would be, if you have genuine concerns, just work away - take as many photos as you like. What are they going to do?

If they object ask them exactly why they are objecting - under which law for example. But more importantly, get onto your solicitor - don't waste time going through hospital procedure/protocol as it will just allow time for people to cover up if they need to.
Re: Photos in hospital

I agree with Caveat, what are they going to do if you take photos of your own mam?! Wrestle you to the ground?

As above also, you need legal advice.
Re: Photos in hospital

I would also have a notebook and keep what happens every day. As its hard to remember what happened when, afterwards. Theres no reason for you to be kept in the dark or fobbed off. Off good doctor, or nurse will want to keep you well informed. You can also ask for a 2nd opinion if you want to get someone elses viewpoint on a problem. Thats a professional approach that should be offered if a patient isn't convinced or unhappy with their treatment.
Re: Photos in hospital

what hospital is it?
Re: Photos in hospital

It probably happens in a lot of hospitals, I'm sure they dont want any horror stories getting out.
Re: Photos in hospital

my sister actually overheard the nurses say no information is to be disclosed to the family? as far as im aware theyre not allowed do this, any questions asked are met with are you in the medical profession, told not to be visiting take a break, even do visits are within hours permitted?
Re: Photos in hospital

There can be a lot of bullies in the medical profession, and surprisingly also amongst nurses. You need to stand up and demand what your entitled to.

[broken link removed] is a useful site.
Re: Photos in hospital

I agree with Caveat, what are they going to do if you take photos of your own mam?! Wrestle you to the ground?

As above also, you need legal advice.

Agree, they have no means of physically taking the camera away and no right to do so.
Re: Photos in hospital

I what what I'd do if they tried to take it off me.

Hheyyyyaaa (thats my karate chop)
Re: Photos in hospital

What difference does it make.

I don't think it would be wise to announce that.
it would be possible to contact them and ask questions. They will not like this getting out. Still i think solicitor is best and FOI
Re: Photos in hospital

Suggest you direct your complaint to the HSE's Head of Consumer Affairs, Mary Culliton, through the 'Your Service - Your Say' section of the HSE website. She told me personally that she gets to see every complaint or compliment submitted this way and she then directs what action is to be taken and by whom.

You would have to give her sufficient information to investigate the matter.

Some posters seem to advise against naming the hospital on Askaboutmoney. I don't understand that concern so long as what is being said is true and no names of members of staff are included in the message.
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Re: Photos in hospital

Some posters seem to advise against naming the hospital on Askaboutmoney. I don't understand that concern so long as what is being said is true and no names of members of staff are included in the message.

Its up to the moderators, I would pm and ask them if you can name.
Re: Photos in hospital

Some posters seem to advise against naming the hospital on Askaboutmoney. I don't understand that concern so long as what is being said is true and no names of members of staff are included in the message.

If its not the site can be sued.
Re: Photos in hospital

Try getting in touch with Patient Focus -They are an advocacy group for patients and the families of patients , [broken link removed] .

It's very daunting when someone is ill and you can feel very intimidated by medical professionals but your mother and you have a right to question her care. If something doesn't feel right then you should question it and have it explained to you.
I would say try not to get too emotional when discussing things just have some prepared questions and try to take note of the answers. If you aren't happy ask to speak to someone else.
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