is there a housing market?

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just wondering is there a housing market?????
for there to be a market, things have to sell... are houses selling??? iguess
for there to be a market, things have to sell... are houses selling??? iguess

Good question, and one sure to induce the wrath of the mods on this site. My opinion, fwiw, is that there is no market here, nor will there be for a very long time. The "market" that existed during the boom was based on false information, mania and in some cases, fraud. What is left after all that does not constitute an efficient market.
'The "market" that existed during the boom was based on false information, mania and in
some cases, fraud.'

The only bit I can agree with is the 'mania' bit.

No-one was forced at gun point to either borrow big or buy big. It was an exercise in free will.

Um ..Mark..that's a bit silly. There's always a market of some description. Houses are still selling today ...just way fewer and much slower.

Whether there's a market for a specific house is another question ..
course there is a market.

for one, every year there are thousands of people getting older and looking to move from parents home.

they are still a market. thnakfully they are mostly waiting for prices to come down further. they won't be debted to eyeballs, they will never see a defined benefit pension and mc williams will call them....
they won't be debted to eyeballs, they will never see a defined benefit pension and mc williams will call them....

the jobless!!!

Seriously though, there's all kinds of arguements in other assets types such as bonds about the market being disjointed and liquidity premiums.

The liquidity premium could apply equally to the housing market i.e. you'll get more value if you hold it long term than try speculate in the more immediate term
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