Is there a better way of dealing with the €2m cap on pension funds?

Brendan Burgess

The present system means that if I have €100k more than €2m in my fund on retirement, it will be immediately taxed at 40% reducing it to €60k within the fund. When I draw it down, I will pay 48% or €29k of the €60k. leaving me with €31k.

So the effective tax rate is, in round figures, 70%.

Would it not be fairer and simpler to just require that anything in excess of €2m is to be drawn down immediately on retirement and taxed at the person's marginal rate?

Alternatively, introduce age-related caps e.g. €500k at age 40, €1m at age 50 and not allow any further contributions if that cap is reached along the way?

Don't like the alternative idea due to sequence of return risk on date of retirement (i.e. what if my 500k at 40 climbs to 2m but 25% gets wiped by a major crash the day before I formally retire?).

But I guess the point of chargeable excess tax is to tax the tax-efficient gain on the 100k in your example, so while your idea may seem fairer from an income perspective, the point is to prevent a bleed on income tax receipts by strongly discouraging over-contribution by higher earners pre-retirement.
while your idea may seem fairer from an income perspective, the point is to prevent a bleed on income tax receipts by strongly discouraging over-contribution by higher earners pre-retirement.

And I agree with that objective.

But is the side effect not that employers continue contributing anyway, so they are getting taxed at 70%? And this is a disincentive to continue working.
