Is The Shield finished for good?



Is The Shield finished for good? I'm addicted to it, i seen the final episode the other night which seen the entire break up of the Strike team, leaving not much of a story for to come back to with a new season. I'd hate to see this show finish. Anyone know anything. Thanks.
Yup - all done
Season 7 finished in the US in November 2008, and there are no plans for any more.
Tell me about it, nothing like the suspense of a great series. Nearly finished Season 5 of the Wire, sad as I know it's almost entirely finished!

The 3 best TV programmes of all time are:

The Sopranos
The Wire
The Shield

The Sopranos takes the top spot IMO.

The Wire just aboout takes second place. The Wire is a more intelligent show than The Shield and has of charachters, however the last season of The Wire was disappointing and alot left alot of loose ends. I used to find it hard to understand what the black charachters were saying and had to turn on the subtitles.
The Shield is more action packed than The Wire and the whole series revolves mainly around the main charachter Vic Mackey. However, The Shield just seemed to get better each Season and such a climatic ending with the last scene back in the barn with Vic and Wyms in the interrogation room and Ronnie downstairs. I've never seen a better ending to a TV programme.

It's also interesting how The wire has become popular after the last episode was aired about 18 months ago. When the show was on TV it was aired on TG4 and nobody was talking about it.