Is Syria next?


The point is there is a deep history to all of this before 911. There were reasons behind it.

That comment piggy reveals whats really going on in your head. Like most muslims you 'regret' what was done on 911, ......but there were reasons....

Reasons, which deep down mean it was 'justified' and that America deserved it...served 'em right.

Why not be honest and admit thats what you truly believe? The muslim kids walking down their city streets wearing the OBL/WTC t-shirt are at least being honest, as were all the other ordinary muslims who came on tv to say the same thing...terrible, but...
Who is El Cid?

Hey, this guy El Cid talks so much sense I begin to believe piggy's theory that he is part of a Blessed Trinity with me as the Holy Ghost.

Let's face it piggy, you have been hopelessly exposed as a hapless naive in this thread.
Ignore them piggy

These guys are pure trolls piggy.

Ignore them. Your points were logical and made sense.
It's a shame there's so many trolls about these days. Maybe they're all the same guy.

Holy Ghost my ass.
GR what?

HAHAHA GR...the guy blew all your pathetic diatribes out the water. You're a bigger fool than you look if you think the pig is naive.

Piggy “I believe I did make a point (not to you though) that people make the mistake of looking at the atrocity that happened in New York, without considering the other side of the coin. That's the point I'm trying to make.”

In the same way that you only consider the atrocities of the US and your failure to acknowledge Zingers quite saliant fact about post war Japan.

Piggy” Y'see GR. You need to open your eyes and actually read what I'm writing.”
An oxymoron in itself , open your mind but only listen to me?.

Piggy “It's not as black and white as the US and British would have you believe it is. It's over simlified and unfortunately some people swallow the children's stories hook, line and sinker”.

And your colourful informed explanations far exceed the expertise , reasearch and facilities of CNN,BBC,SKY and Reuters , have you ever considered a career in BS.

Piggy” The war on terror is a fabricated war GR in many respects. That's not to say that 911 never happened or that there isn't a threat to America and those who support their current policies.”

So really 9/11 and the threat to the US security ,national and international, is not a reason to go and clean out terrorist organisations around the world.
If you care to read the history books you will find that the US have been involved in a great deal more peace processes than you give them credit for , I find most of your comments obtrusive and banal.
WTC victim

This link leads to a very unpleasant image. It is a picture of one of those unfortunate people who had to jump from the top of the WTC to escape the fire. A 1000 foot fall does horrific things to the human body, so be warned - do not click on this link if you can't face the ugly truth.

This is what Piggy considers 'justifiable':

[broken link removed]

This is what Piggy considers 'justifiable':

Piggy never said any of that was justifiable.

Keep ignoring the troll piggy.

So really 9/11 and the threat to the US security ,national and international, is not a reason to go and clean out terrorist organisations around the world.

You guys only see one side of the coin. There's more to the story than just that.
Piggy Anti American Syndrome

Surveys show that:

20% of people believe America wrong on Hiroshima
80% think Vietnam was wrong
10% think Kosovo was wrong
10% think the First Gulf War was wrong
50% think invading Iraq was wrong

But people who suffer from PAAS thing ALL of these were wrong.

Other symptoms of PAAS:

"9/11 was vile but..."
"Ousting Saddam was vile and no buts"

Another aspect is Denial. People with PAAS actually deny being anti American.

Unfortunately PAAS is not an isolated case, it is quite endemic in Ir
The Shrink

What do you get out of crap like that man? Seriously...get a life. Stop being such a nerd.
re: The Shrink

I think it speaks volumes that these guys have to resort to this kind of posting because they fail to make any points of substance. Anytime they don't agree with someone they have a go at him in the most childish manner. It's more than likely the same guy too.
Isn't it strange?

That there are still people who are afraid to look at the reasons behind this war. Fear is what stops people from delving a little deeper than CNN news. Fear is the mind killer.
The tide turns

Yes, as expected, the PAAS brigade don't like the diagnosis.

They must also be hurting that, after a period when things were going well for them, things are definitely turning against them.

In the words of Condo, democracy is breaking out in Iraq.

Arabs, US and UN together - gee that must grate the PAAS nerves.

The bookies have Bush long odds on again to be given a vote of confidence by the American people.

Even the British public, who themselve do suffer a bit from PAAS, are giving the continued presence in Iraq a thumbs up.

God Bless America
Give it a rest

Give it a rest True Blue. We all know you love America. Stop trolling.
Re: Give it a rest

Troll/piggy/dowee - you are right I do love America. I am not Shrink but thanks for the compliment anyway!
Re: Give it a rest

Troll/piggy/dowee - you are right I do love America.

Not sure why I got dragged in there I never accused you of loving America, but it is great that you do. I do as well, all my in-laws are from and live there!!
God Bless America

I don't think piggy was saying any of what has been said above. It's a shame this debate has degenerated like it has.

They must also be hurting that, after a period when things were going well for them, things are definitely turning against them.

Given that I have seen no outright anti american remarks in this post I don't see your point at all.

The bookies have Bush long odds on again to be given a vote of confidence by the American people.

The bookies!!
I think even he knows he's wormfood come October. Why would you be clinging to straws over this anyway? I don't really understand.