Is someone using my identity?

Mrs Vimes

Registered User
I wasn't sure where to post this, it's a bit of a peculiar one...

I received a letter from a bank this morning which had been forwarded from my husband's parents' address and was addressed to my first name with my husband's surname. There is no-one in his family with the same first name as me.

I have never used his surname for *anything* (I even correct my childrens' teachers).

I would also have no reason to ever use his parents' address - we don't get on .

Anyway, the letter said we wrote to you recently to update records, blah blah, block placed on your account, blah blah, need photo id.

It seems his parents have used my name to open an account, I have no idea why they would do that, or why they would then forward the letter to me, or, if there is nothing untowards going on, what they have done with the previous letters referenced in this letter?

I have no problem with causing trouble for these people, but at the same time if they are using my name (kinda) to hide money I have no problem taking it .

Obviously I could just go down to the bank with my ID and perhaps a copy of my marriage cert but has anyone any more interesting ideas? I also would be afraid if I associate myself with this account I may find more accounts with credit attached, which would not be good!
Is there any chance that a family member set up an account years ago when you were married first or had kids ( if you have kids) for gifts ?

I cant see any risk to going into the bank and investigating this. If it is in your name, you should know what is going on.
I wouldn't assume that his parents have used your name to open an account just because the post came there, they sent it to you didn't they? Be a bit foolish of them if they knew they were the only ones using that name. Someone may have done but it doesn't prove it's them. Call the bank.
I have finally got to the bottom of this.

I called into my local branch who contacted the branch in question who rang me up to ask for the names of all female relatives of my husband and anyone who may ever have lived in his parents' house. None has a name even like mine.

Turns out AIB have been trawling through old accounts to try to get up-to-date contact details and it seems they are going through the original account opening documents, which were presumably written by someone wearing skiing gloves as they couldn't make out the first name at all so just used mine on the off chance it might get a reaction.

Anyway, his mother's middle name might start with the same letter as mine, although it would never be confused with it (think Anne and Assumpta or Jane and Josephine) so we now think the account must relate to her.

I do realise that in most families (my own included) such post would result in a phone call from them to see what was happening but unfortunately due to our history I couldn't just ring them when it arrived here. My in-laws have previously used false names to open bank accounts which is what had me worried (had my husband seriously worried too when I filled him in).