Is Pat Rabbitte in charge ?


Registered User
Is it just my perception or is Pat Rabbitte the only Cabinet Minister left in the country ?

Minister blasts Church for advocating anti-abortion stance - Pat

Minister criticises collapse of Target group - Pat

Miinster criticises broadband rollout - Pat

Minister 'acosted' at lunch in city centre hotel - Pat

Never thought I'd miss IndaKinny being away
All of the issues you mention, are evidence that he is talking to the media, not evidence that he is making decisions and " in charge".

Its August, half the journalists are on vacation and the other half want
an easy month - If Pat Rabbitte is the easiest politician to contact and get a quote, that is what they will do.

You'll be missing this soon, when they are all back and the news will be full of whinging politicians again, instead of stories about the weather and the polutted beaches.