is passport office right?


Registered User
I really need some advice about the following situation.
I got the first passport for my son 3 years ago. As his father was unwilling to give consent, there was a court order issued dispensing with the need for consent of the father.
I've applied for renewal of my son's passport recently and got all the documentation back.
As they say, the passport office was unable to process the application and I ''must obtain a new court order as the order submitted was for the previous passport''. This doesn't make much sense to me as it says in the order: ''that the passport do issue in respect of a child, without the consent of the respondent for the period of five years from the 22nd day of May 2006''.

Do I have the right to get his passport renewed until 22nd of May 2011?
At least, this is how I see it.
P.S. We're going on holidays on 22nd of December for 3 weeks. So I've no time to apply for new court order.
If you have quoted the court order accurately, it refers to a single "passport", not multiple passports, so the passport office may be interpreting the order correctly (in their view).
If you have quoted the court order accurately, it refers to a single "passport", not multiple passports, so the passport office may be interpreting the order correctly (in their view).

Yes , I quoted it correctly. And I can see their point. But when the order was issued, my son was under 3 years of age, and the judge should have known that children under 3 may only obtain passports for 3 years. Why the period of five years so?
Basically, I have to find some way to convince the passport office to renew my child's passport until 2011.
Lindsay72 Why not make a visit to Dolphin House and ask the court clerk to give you further information on the 'period of five years'

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You should have gotten a 5 year passport at least.

You should be able to make an emergency application to the courts this week.
You should have gotten a 5 year passport at least.

You should be able to make an emergency application to the courts this week.
The thing is that at the time the court order was issued my son was under 3 years of age. They only give passports for 3 years to minors under three.
So my question is: Should they renew a passport for at least 1.5 years?